Forgiven Blogging Power
How to have and share a thankful heart

Would you like to be more thankful all the time, and not just during the month of November? How to have and share a thankful heart. We’ve come up with some simple activities to nurture a thankful heart every month of the year. However, the first step is choosing to be thankful. If your focus is in the right place, all these activities will become easy and having a thankful heart will become part of who you are. It is actually good for your health to be thankful 1-Get a journal or notebook Everyday write down every day what...
Autumn: Witness God’s Glory

Lion of Judah: How the Bangle Came to Be

For our first installment, we chose the Vikings Lion of Judah bangle.
Back to School: 4 Ways to Share and Wear Your Faith
It’s inevitable. The summer’s coming to an end and you’re going back to school.
This might make you happy or maybe you’re dreading the thought of homework and assignments. But heading back to the classroom with your peers is a great opportunity to share your Christian faith — from the words you say and your actions towards others, to the clothes you wear and the Christian cross jewelry around your neck and arms.
Here are some thoughts to consider as you begin a new school year.
Gossip is like a Wildfire

According to, gossip is: idle talk or rumor, especially about the personal or private affairs of others. Gossip is one of the most destructive of all human sins. It can be enticing to want to share information that no one knows about, and make you look like a hot shot. Nevertheless, talking about someone else’s personal affairs to another person (whether true or not) is gossiping. The keywords are “personal” and “private”. Obviously, the person wanted that information confidential for a reason, so going around talking about it is rude, dishonest, and hurtful. Spreading like wildfire, gossip grows and rumors are started. Even if the information is true, it’s an invasion of privacy and generally...